
Mykonos is a stunning Greek island located in the Aegean Sea, known for its breathtaking beaches, picturesque whitewashed buildings, and vibrant nightlife. The island is a popular destination for travelers looking for a luxurious and fun-filled vacation. Home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Greece, such as Psarou Beach, Paradise Beach, and Super Paradise Beach, which offer crystal clear waters and plenty of water activities. Enjoy diverse Greek cusisine, a buzzing nightlife and of course luxurious accommodation. You’ll never want to leave!

Restaurants and bars- In Greece it's expected that tourists will tip but some restaurants will still round-up the bill, so be careful. Don't leave any extra money if they have. A gratuity of between 5% and 10% is a good guide.
Taxi- Not expected or required, but if you want , round up to the nearest Euro and tell the driver you don't want the change.
Hotels- Leave around 1 Euro per day on the bedside table or bed for the housekeeper. You can leave a few euros as gratuity for the concierge if you receive excellent service.
Lingo in Chicago.
In case you didn’t know, they speak Greek in Greece which is really cool considering that it is one of the oldest documented languages in history! We’re looking at 3,400 years of it! So let’s get you caught up on a couple of words and phrases to engage with the locals here.
General lingo.
Ναί (Ne) = Yes
Οχι (Ochi) = No
Γεια σου (Yassu) = Hello & goodbye.
Γειά σας (Yassa) = Hello & goodbye, but a slightly more formal version.
Χάρηκα (Harika) = Nice to meet you.
Καλημέρα (Kalimera) = Good morning.
Καλησπέρα (Kalispera) = Good afternoon/good evening.
Πώς σε λένε; (Pos se leneh?) = What is your name?
Με λένε… (Mi leneh…) = My name is…
Που μένεις; (Pou meneis) = Where do you live?
Eating out/ shopping lingo.
Παρακαλώ (Parakalo) = Please.
Ευχαριστώ (Efkaristo) = Thank you.
Πόσο κάνει; (Poso cani) = How much does this cost?
Eναν καφέ παρακαλώ (Enan kafe parakalo) = One coffee please.
Να παραγγείλω; (Na parageelo) = Can I order?
Θα ήθελα… (Tha ithela) = I would like…
Τι λέει ο μουσακάς; (Ti leei o mousakas?) = How do you like the moussaka?
Είμαι χορτοφάγος (Ime horto-fagos) = I am a vegetarian.
Καλή όρεξη (Kali orexi) = Enjoy your meal!
Ωραίο (Oreo) = Tasty/nice/beautiful.
Που είσαι (Pou eisai) = Where are you?
Μπορειτε να με βοηθησετε; (Borite na me voithisete?) = Can you help me?
Kοντά (Konda) = Near.
Μακριά (Makriá) = Far.
Aπέναντι από (Apénandi apó) = Across the street.
Που βρίσκεται… (Pou vrísketai) = Where is…
Στην υγειά μας! (Stineh yahmas) – To our health!
Ασπρο πάτο! (Aspro Pato) = Bottoms up!
Θα ιθελα μια μπυρα (Tha ithela mia bira) = Can I have a beer?
Τι ώρα θα συναντήσουμε; (Ti ora tha synantisoume?) = What time shall we meet?
Τι ώρα είναι… (Ti ora einai…) = What time is…
Get your flirt on!
Σε αγαπώ (Σ’ αγαπώ) = se agapo, s’agapo – I love you
Με αγαπάς? = me agamas? Do you love me?
Μου λείπεις = moo lepees – I miss you
Σου λείπω? = soo leepo – Do you miss me?
Σε θέλω = se thelo – I want you
Με θέλεις? = me thelees – Do you want me?
Μωρό μου = moro moo – baby
Αγάπη μου = agapi moo – my love
Με κάνεις ευτυχισμένο / ευτυχισμένη = me kanis eftihismeno (man) / eftihismeni (woman) – you make me happy
Θα ήθελες να βγούμε έξω για δείπνο = Tha itheles na vyoome ekso ya theepno; Do you want to go to dinner with me?
Δείχνεις πολύ ωραίος. Theeknees poli oreas = You look great/beatiful.
Μπορώ να σε ξαναδώ; – boro na se ksanatho = Can I see you again?
Θα σε πάρω τηλέφωνο. Tha se paro teléfono = I will call you.

Transport from Mikonos Airport.
There are only 2 ways to get from Mykonos Airport to Mykonos Town - by airport taxi and bus.
Airport taxi.
Getting an airport taxi from Mykonos Airport is probably the most popular way to travel into the town because there are always enough of taxis available and it’s also super convenient. The private transfer operators can take large groups of tourists at a time especially during the peak season so fear not if you are unable to hail a Mykonos taxi off the street. Average fare is 29€ and it usually takes 10 minutes to reach the heart of Mykonos town.
Bus transport.
Buses on the other hand are hard to come by although during the peak season, you should be able to grab a bus ride into town. Still, it’s a risk most aren’t willing to take because you can’t really plan your trip well. The bus route into town would be from the airport to Fabrica Station closeby and it takes approximately 15 minutes to get there. Still the plus point in the low cost. It’ll set you back 1.60€ for a one way ticket.
Best time to travel.
September and October. Sitting in the Aegean Sea, this island's weather permits a year-round flow of tourists, but in September and October you'll see that the large crowds have left, the water remains warm and the hotel rates descend back into a reasonable range.